Hip Replacement

Normal Anatomy of the Hip joint

How does the Hip joint work?
Find out more in this web based movie.

Total Hip Replacement (THR)

Total Hip Replacement (THR) procedure replaces total or part of the hip joint with an artificial device (prosthesis) to alleviate pain and restore joint movement.

For more information about Total Hip Replacement (THR), click on below tabs.

Hip Resurfacing

Hip Resurfacing or bone conserving procedure replaces the acetabulum (hip socket) and resurfaces the femoral head. This means the femoral head has some or very little bone removed and replaced with the metal component. This spares the femoral canal.

For more information about Hip Resurfacing, click on below tabs.

Revision Hip Replacement

This maybe because complete or a part of your previous hip replacement needs to be revised. This operation varies from a very minor adjustment to a massive operation replacing significant amount of bone and hence is difficult to describe in full.

For more information about Revision Hip Replacement, click on below tabs.

Direct Anterior Hip Replacement

Total joint replacement surgery is one of the most advanced successful procedures in patients dealing with severe hip and knee pain. The goal of the surgery is to relieve pain and restore the normal functioning of the joint and help patient resume normal activities.

For more information about Direct Anterior Hip Replacement , click on below tabs.

Posterior Approach

Posterior hip replacement is a minimally invasive hip surgery performed to replace the hip joint. It is also referred to as muscle sparing surgery because no muscles are cut to access the hip joint, enabling a quicker return to normal activity.

For more information about Posterior Approach , click on below tabs.